This website is not made by a professional. It has been made by Kate, who is not a web designer. It is very much a work-in-progress, just like Cocoon itself.
energiser grant awarded!
We’re so excited to announce that we’re one of 11 recipients of @youthmusic’s Energiser Fund . The first-of-its-kind early years fund will enable us to offer Cocoon sessions to families in North Shields over three years. Let’s switch up the perception and practice of Early Years creativity nationwide.
We can’t wait to get started! Big thanks to @ace_national for making this fund possible.
Making her mark on Cocoon
B helps mum to make her mark on the Cocoon walls.
Kate's attuned practice
Here with M, who is 2, and exploring a professional ukulele.
M and Megan
Megan is our dance artist. Her child is 2 and has been testing out Cocoon for us.
Child studies the flute
Hands on real instruments